Post by Lord LancelotAbout something to ensure it is possible to have 1 triad.
First trial range is 150ly. (or 100-125ly)
All other are at 50ly (Default value) (or a user value 0-75ly)
So RCS trial Config would look like this 150 / 50
Coalition Trade Triad: When 3 bases of each capital type (with >50k
Colonists each) are within 50 ly of each other, they all 3 gain 1500
mc per turn.
The range is configurable by HConfig option: CoalitionTriadRadius.
I find the Triad money bonus to be a big one early to mid game, and
I'm fine with them having 1 Triad, and having to protect 3 planet
instead of 1 early on. Giving prisoners race a small juicy target.
Lord Lancelot
the whole triad thing is too difficult in my opinion.
1) your required to seek out a spot somehwere on the map in order to
build it. this location could be close but it also could be way way
out of range.
2) it requires lots of resources to get the colonists and establishes
financialy three bases not includeing the defenses on the surface and
in orbit in order to maintain it.
3) its highly map dependant.
alternative: why not just give the race 1500 mc on each of the first
built tribal bases. a 1 Triad bonus gauranteed no range restrictions,
doesnt matter where or when. by doing this the race is gauranteed 1
triad no matter what game no matter what map. of course they would
sacrifice the ability of having more than one triad, but at least they
would be getting one, and would be far better in a position to defend
and manage close to thier starting point. as compensation for having
only 1 triad possibility we could always up the reward to 1800 or
2000, whatever works. or we could keep it at 1500 for the first
structures. and still alow the 50 ly radius default. just incase
another opportunity arises.
the whole point here is the seeking out part seems rather rough on
some maps and possibility easy on others. but at least this way they
wont be losing the perk due to lack of hconfig setting, map sizes or
distance to nearest triad potential.