Either you have an old host or youare drunk, Proto.
Please take for exemple
10 Raffas with DCs for Cent1 with Avoid base
Same for a Cent2 with guard base
Add a base for Cent2
Look at the sim Cent2 wins with huge advantage
Then switch off gaurd base (or change it to avoid bass in Diplomat)
Watch the sim. No unique winner.
To repeat it once more:
Guard base
- let a base with defense (wings or IC or AA guns) always follow its base
guards into space combat
- let units immediately group around friendly bases
- gives an weapon accuracy bonus when firing from inside the IC range at
base avoiders outside the IC range
- gives an weapon accuracy malus when baseavoiders are firing from outside
the IC range at base guards inside the IC range
Units give up their guarding position if they or the base are too long not
under fire anymore.
Avoid base does not mean that no units are attacked. It means "do not attack
bases and stay outside the corresponding base defense ranges (ships - IC,
wings - AA guns,even is such systemsare not present).
Better now?
Post by Gabor TöröPost by protomatterPart 2
if fleet A is set to avoid ground base and
fleet B is set to gaurd groundbase.
and both fleets are in orbit of the ground base.
arent they not supposed to engage each other?
my tests show that gaurd ground base = on is no different than gaurd
ground base = off
is this not functioning yet?
Be more exactly, please. Base guards start as at the perimeter and groups
around the base. Non base guards won't do that. And as described in the
other answer after a while of silence base guards leave their position and
attack and return if they or the base comes under fire.
like i said it doesnt matter if they are base gaurds or not, both
outcomes are exactly the same. and all ships fight in the vcr and the
base never fires any weapons.
sim the following
Race A Fleet "avoid ground base"
Race B base " Fire at will" 110 AAA 20 ion cannons base shield.
Race B fleet " Gaurd Ground Base"
result = fleet A and b fight base does nothing. and nobody attacks the
it was my impression that Fleet ships with "Gaurd Ground base" only
attack when the ground base will be included in the fight.
otherwise the switch seems useless. because i can always engage enemy
fleets. without the switch. switching it to on does not change
the base is not under fire and the invading fleet attacks and destroys
the gaurds without firing on the base. this switch was supposed to tie
the base and the gaurds together like 1 unit. attacking any 1 of the
gaurds allowed the base to enter Combat and fire upon the invaders.
what is currently happening is that invaders are right back to where
we started,,, theyre still destroying the base defenders without the
bases being able to protection which is the reason for the switch in
the first place to keep invaders from segragating bases from its
defenders. AKA the widely abused destroyed orbitals first turn then
destroy base second turn. this should all occur in the same turn.