Post by KlingonKommandI can't set Kill targets in a script. Partly because you don't know what
the object ID's will be, partly because there just isn't such a script
command. It's on Rick's list of "one day" to-do's.
Aggressive/Retreat are in the latest Diplomat though. Aggressive is in
the bottom right corner area - one of the "less common orders" - ie, I
figured you rarely change it from On. Retreat is about 2 inches above
it, one of the "Movement" commands.
ok i see it now, i also notice the sandcaster options are different,
in the game you can turn off all sandcaster options, i dont know how
different this is from what diplomat does however,
what im trying to simulate is something one of my enemies has been
doing, he has everything off except cloak in orbit of his himeworld. i
cant attack his ships as he seems to be rotating them from different
planets to clear the locations and ids to keep me guessing. when i
head to his homeworld with options not to attack his base. nothing
occurs, no combat takes place. but when i set my ship to attack his
homeworld, some 30+ cloaked deth specs and 10 or so darkwings attack
and destroy my fleet without repercussions. because my fleet is
focused on the planet and wont fire on the ships, this focus (on the
planet is the only thing that will allow me to get him to decloak, but
as a result i cant fire on his shipsdue to the target being the base.
very frustrating and im unable to get the diplomat to simulate this
Post by KlingonKommandNo hang on - this means you're doing sims figuring how to kill me in
Weekend Warrior - forget everything I said.
not likely, this is an entirely nother game where im having the
problem. also this perticular game seems to have ground assault
problems still... all m,y other games seem to be working for ground
assaults including weekend warrior but the game " 4-man crosshairs"
seem to have dropped its ability to ground combat altogether.