Bug with supply pods launching late...
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General Khael
2008-07-15 08:00:04 UTC
Has anyone else seen a phenomenon of launching supply pods and some of
them not launching until a turn later? I know that the host run will
actually save pod launches for later turns if there are not enough
goods to meet the order, but all items podded off have a surplus
remaining on the base. I'm currently simming a start off game with
the Privies so the only thing I can think of is that the supplies that
I have transported down to the base and then fast hyped away are not
counted by the base for the pod launching queue this turn and then the
feature of launching one turn later kicks in... anyone? Where should
a yig file go these days? Does anyone want it?
General Khael
2008-07-15 08:41:31 UTC
Okay after some quick sims... never mind about the privs... nothing to
do with fast hyp or whatnot... any race that transfers supplies (and I
imagine all other transportable/pod-able things) to a base with the
intention of podding them will not be able to pod them until next
turn. Any orders to pod of theses supplies in transit will be
processed the next turn. Is this a bug or is it by design? Should
podding wait until after the first possible transfer check? Either
way if a queued order would show up as a base order when you unpack
your rst that would be nice too...
2008-07-15 12:38:42 UTC
To understand this, you need to understand the host order of
processing. Pod launches are one of the first things that happen in
the host and never again. Ship transfers happen just before movement
and during movement. The confusion comes in due to what ship
transfers do to your base resources...they appear to be there for you
to manipulate with pods. It may be a good idea to look for any ships
performing transfers prior to pod launch, but this gets complicated
and is prone to error. It would certainly make the client more
intuitive as to how the host worked though.

2008-07-16 15:54:46 UTC
Post by Magik
To understand this, you need to understand the host order of
processing.  Pod launches are one of the first things that happen in
the host and never again.  Ship transfers happen just before movement
and during movement.  The confusion comes in due to what ship
transfers do to your base resources...they appear to be there for you
to manipulate with pods.  It may be a good idea to look for any ships
performing transfers prior to pod launch, but this gets complicated
and is prone to error.  It would certainly make the client more
intuitive as to how the host worked though.
Ah! This explains a few strange pod related things that I've noticed
when I've been mucking around with the privs too.

Would it be possible for the client to display a warning if you
selected more items to pod than the current base inventory?

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