GFM GToeroe
2008-06-30 07:27:29 UTC
A little add on for space combat:
Strike through plus a CC "SQx" help strike through objects (the
squadron denoted by "x") to stay together and synconizes points of
time of their attack runs.
If you compare flight patterns like "close to point blank" or "stand
off" with "ram" or "strike through" then a significant difference
between them is that the first two automatically have a syncronisation
as all such objects will stay all the time at a certain distance to
the target.
As strike through is triggered by the weapon charge state, which
depends on the charge times, the energy power and the fire shots a
strike thru group will tend to get dispersed after a while and then
the object come in like pearls on a string where they easily can be
I always had in mind a different picture of strike thru but I haven't
yet found an easy way to prevent a strike squadron from getting
If a attack tactic should not rely on the dispersion (better
disturbing other target's navigation by a scattered strike thruogh
formation) but on the power of a common concentrated attack then a
player should be able to command a squadron to stay together and start
the attack runs almost at the same points of time.
So I wrote code which works like this:
If you have objects set to strike through then you can set a CC "SQx",
where x is any char and denotes a set of objects, which shall act as
squadron. This CC ensures that the whole squadron will be on a attack
run in a few ticks. It works like this: THe first object of the
squadron, which will switch to the chase mode, will force two other
objects of the same squadron, which are not yet in chase mode to
switch to chase mode, which will then itself force to other two
objects going to chase mode and so on. The result is an
exponentially growth of the number of object in strike thru so that
after a few ticks the whole squadron is attacking.
A fleet cannot show the same behavior because
1) A fleet moves slower
2) The leader tends to be exposed and getting shot down first (then
the whole fleet resolves)
3) All objects of a fleet move with the same speed
4) A fleet always groups together first, but a squadron can also
attack from all directions at the start
A little add on for space combat:
Strike through plus a CC "SQx" help strike through objects (the
squadron denoted by "x") to stay together and synconizes points of
time of their attack runs.
If you compare flight patterns like "close to point blank" or "stand
off" with "ram" or "strike through" then a significant difference
between them is that the first two automatically have a syncronisation
as all such objects will stay all the time at a certain distance to
the target.
As strike through is triggered by the weapon charge state, which
depends on the charge times, the energy power and the fire shots a
strike thru group will tend to get dispersed after a while and then
the object come in like pearls on a string where they easily can be
I always had in mind a different picture of strike thru but I haven't
yet found an easy way to prevent a strike squadron from getting
If a attack tactic should not rely on the dispersion (better
disturbing other target's navigation by a scattered strike thruogh
formation) but on the power of a common concentrated attack then a
player should be able to command a squadron to stay together and start
the attack runs almost at the same points of time.
So I wrote code which works like this:
If you have objects set to strike through then you can set a CC "SQx",
where x is any char and denotes a set of objects, which shall act as
squadron. This CC ensures that the whole squadron will be on a attack
run in a few ticks. It works like this: THe first object of the
squadron, which will switch to the chase mode, will force two other
objects of the same squadron, which are not yet in chase mode to
switch to chase mode, which will then itself force to other two
objects going to chase mode and so on. The result is an
exponentially growth of the number of object in strike thru so that
after a few ticks the whole squadron is attacking.
A fleet cannot show the same behavior because
1) A fleet moves slower
2) The leader tends to be exposed and getting shot down first (then
the whole fleet resolves)
3) All objects of a fleet move with the same speed
4) A fleet always groups together first, but a squadron can also
attack from all directions at the start