Post by Lord Lancelot
Click the Enlist button
Already 18 players enlisted.
You don't know the P4 League? It is the first international league for VGA
Planets 4 (08/09 will be the 4th season).
"The goal of the P4League is to create a competitive soccer-league-like
environment for Planets 4 games. Every season several games will be hosted at
different tiers. Of course there will be only one first tier game. The number of
games in the second or third tier will probably vary each season with the number
of participating players. Returning next season, you will climb up or down the
tiers according to your last season game's performance. As I said, very much
like soccer, only with eight teams per game :).
We aim at the competitive and dependable players. Fortunately experience has
shown that the two traits often go together. This way you can have at least one
game per year with dedicated people of roughly the same skill level. And partake
of the thrill of rising in the tiers, if fortune is with you.
All the games in the different tiers will be the same, with only slightly
varying maps. Number of players, number of planets, starting conditions, amount
of resources, setup options, all will be the same. Luck will certainly find its
way into the rankings, too, but mostly it will be a contest of skill. Hence the
amount of diplomacy allowed is restricted."
So if you are interested:
* visit
* Create a P4 League account (if you don't already have one)
* Login
* Click the "Enlist" button
* Select your 8 preferred races (can be changed later)
* Click "Submit"
P.S.: You don't have to be a vgap4 pro to take part... ;)