2008-05-29 21:33:34 UTC
I guess this is more or less for Magik - and anyone else who wants to
My simulations show that there appears to be an error when calculating
the growth modifier for undercities (I'm talking about the growth
bonus for the first 30 undercities here). Host only considers full
undercities (with 100.000 cols) but not undercities with 50.000 -
99.999 cols. I suspect it is just a rounding error. I have not tested
this for cities nor for the effect that undercities have on the growth
limitation imposed by cities. But I guess it would be worthwile to
check the rounding for these as well.
I can't really file a bug report at Drewhead's site (that
automatically notifies Magik) since I found this in a private
simluation. I hope he'll notice it here...
Anyway, it's not a showstopper - but certainly worthwile noting (and
probably easy to fix). If anybody is interested in hard facts - I can
supply information in a spreadsheet format that implies this.
See you in space,
My simulations show that there appears to be an error when calculating
the growth modifier for undercities (I'm talking about the growth
bonus for the first 30 undercities here). Host only considers full
undercities (with 100.000 cols) but not undercities with 50.000 -
99.999 cols. I suspect it is just a rounding error. I have not tested
this for cities nor for the effect that undercities have on the growth
limitation imposed by cities. But I guess it would be worthwile to
check the rounding for these as well.
I can't really file a bug report at Drewhead's site (that
automatically notifies Magik) since I found this in a private
simluation. I hope he'll notice it here...
Anyway, it's not a showstopper - but certainly worthwile noting (and
probably easy to fix). If anybody is interested in hard facts - I can
supply information in a spreadsheet format that implies this.
See you in space,