Buffing up the Boffins
(too old to reply)
2008-06-18 17:43:24 UTC
It might just be me, but I think the University Alliance are just a
bit bland at the moment. They are supposed to be 'Mad Scientists',
but I don't think that feeling really comes through strongly enough.
As a bit of a mad scientist myself(!), I've come up with a few ideas
to spice up (and also power up) the UA a little bit - a project I call
'buffing up up the boffins!'. A lot of these ideas are tech related.
(I'm not the race creator btw, I'm just throwing a few ideas out for

In no particular order:

* A 10% chance of 'discovering' a free tech upgrade each turn.
Randomly chosen from those tech upgrades that have *not* been selected
for payment (and may be completely useless - but we're talking about
randomly mad geniuses at work here). Discovered tech is free and
gives a mild happiness boost (2 points) to every base as the
scientists take time out of their busy schedule in order to celebrate
with a screening of 'Revenge of the Nerds'. You need at least one
tech institute in your empire for this to happen at all. Every five
tech institutes you have increase the chance of this happening by 1%
(rounded down, 5 needed for each extra percentage point), up to a 15%
maximum chance (25 tech institutes).

* A small chance of discovering a random exotic tech (with the
exception of the various 'Propgandas'). Say one in fifty chance each
turn. Tech is 'paid for' and needs no maintenance, but can be turned
off if not required. Yes, this could include an Omega or Shokazul
Pulse. Bad mad scientists. You need at least one tech institute
somewhere in your empire for this to happen at all. This random
discovery may or may not be a cause for celebration, so no automatic
happiness boost this time, and no chance of increasing the odds

* A discount on the B and C levels of some of the exotic techs once
the A form has been purchased (not including weapons related exotic
tech). The boffins are very clever at figuring out how things work
and reverse engineering, so subsequent discoveries are cheaper - i.e.
upgraded versions keep the same upkeep costs but have half of the
normal startup purchase cost. Techs affected: Agnonic Emitter B and
C, Jammer ECM B, Plasma Manifold B, Stage 2 Pod Kicker B and C,
Tachnor Sensor Array B and C, Tank-O-Tronic Cloning System B and C.
Discount is only available once the A form has been purchased.

* A 'boffin special' for UA armor - all UA armor is Electrostatic
Ablative Armor. Electrostatic = provides resistance to armor arc -
the resistance is based on the percentage of armor remaining, i.e. 1%
armor = 1% chance of negating an armor arc, 100% armor = 100% chance
of negating an armor arc, therefore UA ships will have complete
resistance to Ion Cannons and Ionic Gun Arrays even when their shields
have gone - at least until their armor starts to be reduced. Ablative
= takes half the normal armor damage from most large and small
weapons, with two exceptions - it takes double normal armor damage
from Particle Cannon Large Weapons and Positron Cannon Small Weapons
(these charged particles interfere with the electrostatic nature of
the armor and cause extra damage). These bonuses and penalties apply
before exotic tech bonuses are applied. UA ships don't get much Armor
(max 800), but it's pretty neat stuff.

* Half the chance of a BOOM when overcharging their large weapons, as
long as there are at least two High Guard Mad Scientists on board (one
to change the bulb and the other to work the switch and offer helpful
advice). Suits both the 'Mad' and 'Scientist' bit ;). (Side note: I
think that the Feds should get this too... Kirk and Scotty working in

I hope none of this is majorly unbalancing and also that it will help
to add a bit more mad scientist flavour to the Barmy Boffins. Anyone
have any thoughts about these ideas, and are there any more
2008-06-19 03:26:37 UTC
Post by Shard
* A small chance of discovering a random exotic tech (with the
exception of the various 'Propgandas').  Say one in fifty chance each
I like it.
Post by Shard
Tech is 'paid for' and needs no maintenance, but can be turned
off if not required.
Disagree on the maintenance part, they still need to provide major
ongoing funding for their mad geniuses ;-)
Post by Shard
* Half the chance of a BOOM when overcharging their large weapons, as
long as there are at least two High Guard Mad Scientists on board (one
to change the bulb and the other to work the switch and offer helpful
advice).  Suits both the 'Mad' and 'Scientist' bit ;).  (Side note: I
think that the Feds should get this too... Kirk and Scotty working in
Agree on both. But the UA ships should go BOOM more drastically (99%
hull damage or the likes). After all, an honest to god, scotch
drinking Scottish Engineer should be better at this than some Dr.

2008-06-22 18:19:23 UTC
I think your purpose is noble, but you're not being mad enough. The
ideas are simply extensions of things already in the game. The Nerds
need a new dimension to give them more character. Ideally one like the
BOOM idea which, as Rumata, suggested, goes spectacularly BOOM when it

How about

* Ability to gene-splice natives to new, more potent mutant forms with
enhanced bonuses... but a downside such as occasionally "going bad" (as
per all the best B Movies, they should at the very least eat their
creators, but also could disintegrate the planet, destabilise nearby
minefields - oh how UA players love their free mines - hurl pods of your
colonists to other races as gifts of prisoners, etc).

* Ability to move more rapidly through enemy mines than the usual speed
limit of 13 (7 for Webs) due to magnetic disruptor decoy technology.
Downside: your own minefields are less effective.

* A chance that bases which build Tech Institutes increase D Stress by
300 due to idiot grad students creating mini black holes in their
research projects

* Possibility of attracting Chups from nearby planets due to a Summoning
Spell going wrong ("you mean we need a Control spell too?")

* Your labs accidentally release a disease as per 28 Days Later
(apparently there is some allowance for disease in the host code, or at
any rate nothing to forbid it) which spreads from planet to planet via
civilian shipping and requires Kierra Crystals to cure. So, stock up on
those and if it breaks out, make sure you pod the Infected to a
neighbour who can capture them as "prisoners". Oh how he'll laugh when
he lands the pod.
2008-06-25 06:44:08 UTC
Post by KlingonKommand
I think your purpose is noble, but you're not being mad enough. The
ideas are simply extensions of things already in the game. The Nerds
need a new dimension to give them more character. Ideally one like the
BOOM idea which, as Rumata, suggested, goes spectacularly BOOM when it
How about
* Ability to gene-splice natives to new, more potent mutant forms with
enhanced bonuses... but a downside such as occasionally "going bad" (as
per all the best B Movies, they should at the very least eat their
creators, but also could disintegrate the planet, destabilise nearby
minefields - oh how UA players love their free mines - hurl pods of your
colonists to other races as gifts of prisoners, etc).
* Ability to move more rapidly through enemy mines than the usual speed
limit of 13 (7 for Webs) due to magnetic disruptor decoy technology.
Downside: your own minefields are less effective.
* A chance that bases which build Tech Institutes increase D Stress by
300 due to idiot grad students creating mini black holes in their
research projects
* Possibility of attracting Chups from nearby planets due to a Summoning
Spell going wrong ("you mean we need a Control spell too?")
* Your labs accidentally release a disease as per 28 Days Later
(apparently there is some allowance for disease in the host code, or at
any rate nothing to forbid it) which spreads from planet to planet via
civilian shipping and requires Kierra Crystals to cure. So, stock up on
those and if it breaks out, make sure you pod the Infected to a
neighbour who can capture them as "prisoners". Oh how he'll laugh when
he lands the pod.
I like all those suggestions too - getting madder by the minute :).
What kind of enhanced native bonuses did you have in mind?
2008-06-26 21:39:02 UTC
Shard asks
Post by Shard
getting madder by the minute :).
What kind of enhanced native bonuses did you have in mind?
Uh... Mad Cow Disease, Bovinoids produce lots of food due to enhanced
steroid production until their udders burst and they go on a cannibal

Mad scientists graft enormous ears to Ghipsoids enabling them to act as

Insects gain ability to hop in unison on one side of a planet allowing
it to wander off from its home star; construct vast nests / webs and
carry population off to be hosts for their larvae unless placated with

Amorphs produce more spice, on account of eating more colonists

Chupanoids move from base to base, abduscting colonists for diabolical
purposes, Attracted by contraband hoards

Amphibians create more high tech large weapons, but it's because they
have developed a kleptomaniac quality like Motie Watchmakers, they keep
disassembling your infrastructure for the materials

Humanoids improve your base shield into an always-on inpenetrable force
field which even your own ships cannot penetrate. The ultimate defense.
Black No1
2008-06-27 11:16:58 UTC
Post by KlingonKommand
Amphibians create more high tech large weapons, but it's because they
have developed a kleptomaniac quality like Motie Watchmakers, they keep
disassembling your infrastructure for the materials
Talking 'bout Moties - any news on the Motie race?

