dismantling the robots
(too old to reply)
2008-07-26 22:30:04 UTC
the subject

insectoids within a nest build robots using tritanium, and robots when
captured have no value for a large portion of the races in the game.

let us dismantle robotic prisoners to reclaim the tritanium used to
produce them. wouldnt have to be an instant thing could be set to 10%
per turn or some other value to prolongs it over time. technically we
should be able to either shut them off or destroy them so they cant be
recaptured as they are basically machines. but keeping robots as
prisoners for races who cant do anything with them is rather wierd,
ive often contemplated launching them into space and detonating the
pod. for lack of nothing better to do with them, but dismantleing them
for resources has some merit.

thoughts? suggestions commentary?

Lord Lancelot
2008-07-26 23:21:23 UTC
Post by protomatter
insectoids within a nest build robots using tritanium, and robots when
captured have no value for a large portion of the races in the game.
I like it !
It should take 1 colonist to dismantle 1 robot, and the trit gained
should be a random roll from 10-50% (one roll per base where you have
robot been scrapped).

if the robot cost was 1000 trit, you gain 100-500 and you need to have
colonists to do the work at 1-1 ratio.

We can reclaim borg, why not can recycle some metal robot ?, we lose
some metal in the process.

It add a little something to the game, flavor and the gain is so
little and random, that i can not see this being unbalanced.
it might also promote more aggression against the robot, witch a very
good thing, since left alone they are a powerhouse.

Lord Lancelot
2008-07-27 06:22:53 UTC
Nice move. Maybe even for prisoner races like the lizards
where bots do not sell good?
Other prisoner races use them in labor mines, lizards get a lousy


BTW: Is there someone who can give the correct numbers
for the price of bot prisoners for the lizards?
The wiki (http://planets4.hood-net.org/wiki/index.php/
Category:The_Lizard_Kingdom) is
rather not precise.
2008-07-27 07:00:50 UTC
Post by Joyride
Nice move. Maybe even for prisoner races like the lizards
where bots do not sell good?
Other prisoner races use them in labor mines, lizards get a lousy
BTW: Is there someone who can give the correct numbers
for the price of bot prisoners for the lizards?
The wiki (http://planets4.hood-net.org/wiki/index.php/
Category:The_Lizard_Kingdom) is
rather not precise.
prisoners die in labor camps i hear but exactly how does a robot die?
as an alternative the dead robots could be scrapped or recycled into

