2008-05-09 07:33:54 UTC
Hiya's, I am in a game atm playing the COM. I have been trying to
destroy a base with 3 fighter wings (50, 50 and 100 fighters). I get
it down to a point and then a new pod full of population lands. I
have set one of the 50 fighter wigs to "Target/Intercept all Pods",
another to attack enemy AND Target/Intercept all Pods" and the last
wing to attack enemy AND Target/Intercept all Pods" AND Target Soft.
They have all been targeting the base fine, but they all let the pods
just float on by. Any suggestions?
destroy a base with 3 fighter wings (50, 50 and 100 fighters). I get
it down to a point and then a new pod full of population lands. I
have set one of the 50 fighter wigs to "Target/Intercept all Pods",
another to attack enemy AND Target/Intercept all Pods" and the last
wing to attack enemy AND Target/Intercept all Pods" AND Target Soft.
They have all been targeting the base fine, but they all let the pods
just float on by. Any suggestions?