Si, Pedro
(too old to reply)
2008-04-25 09:34:26 UTC
I already advised my captains to search for their old Italian western
movies. We'll need them as official training movies.

Wouldn't it be nice, to allow the 'machine gun' mode at tick 25 for
the cloaker's small weapons (restricted to low techs): They come out
of the blue and shower you with a hail of bullets.

GFM GToeroe
2008-04-25 10:47:20 UTC
Post by Phaidros
I already advised my captains to search for their old Italian western
movies. We'll need them as official training movies.
Wouldn't it be nice, to allow the 'machine gun' mode at tick 25 for
the cloaker's small weapons (restricted to low techs): They come out
of the blue and shower you with a hail of bullets.
The machine gun mode can blow up a ship if it is not skilled enough.
It looked pretty dumb if a fleet of Deth Specs blow up in a big cloud
of smoke at tick 25. Send in a 1st wave and power boosted ship in 2nd.
Then their bank are full and they can start their work immediiately.
So it's up to the player if he want to risk his ships.

2008-04-25 16:26:59 UTC
Post by GFM GToeroe
The machine gun mode can blow up a ship if it is not skilled enough.
It looked pretty dumb if a fleet of Deth Specs blow up in a big cloud
of smoke at tick 25. Send in a 1st wave and power boosted ship in 2nd.
Then their bank are full and they can start their work immediiately.
So it's up to the player if he want to risk his ships.
does this blow up the ship or merely destroy the weapons. i hope its
the latter , id hate to see this used as artifical/replacement for the
self destruct. which many ships do not have. but if the switch can
blow up the ship, then you have just given many races a new feature.
"the self destruct switch"

Gabor Törö
2008-04-25 19:08:16 UTC
Good point, Proto...

Post by protomatter
Post by GFM GToeroe
The machine gun mode can blow up a ship if it is not skilled enough.
It looked pretty dumb if a fleet of Deth Specs blow up in a big cloud
of smoke at tick 25. Send in a 1st wave and power boosted ship in 2nd.
Then their bank are full and they can start their work immediiately.
So it's up to the player if he want to risk his ships.
does this blow up the ship or merely destroy the weapons. i hope its
the latter , id hate to see this used as artifical/replacement for the
self destruct. which many ships do not have. but if the switch can
blow up the ship, then you have just given many races a new feature.
"the self destruct switch"
2008-04-25 19:45:35 UTC
Doesn't it do enough damage to disable the ship? So if it is already
damaged, it might blow up, but mostly is just out of the fight until

Hmm... can Feds who have taken damage from Boosting get back into
the fight with their Scotty bonus?
Post by protomatter
does this blow up the ship or merely destroy the weapons. i hope its
the latter , id hate to see this used as artifical/replacement for the
self destruct. which many ships do not have. but if the switch can
blow up the ship, then you have just given many races a new feature.
"the self destruct switch"
Gabor Törö
2008-04-25 20:15:02 UTC
IIRC they cannot repair sys damage

"Amaranthine" <***@gmail.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:871ea94d-5327-4475-bb07-***@r66g2000hsg.googlegroups.com...
Doesn't it do enough damage to disable the ship? So if it is already
damaged, it might blow up, but mostly is just out of the fight until

Hmm... can Feds who have taken damage from Boosting get back into
the fight with their Scotty bonus?
Post by protomatter
does this blow up the ship or merely destroy the weapons. i hope its
the latter , id hate to see this used as artifical/replacement for the
self destruct. which many ships do not have. but if the switch can
blow up the ship, then you have just given many races a new feature.
"the self destruct switch"
2008-04-29 11:11:59 UTC
Hi Gabor,

I'd put some questions on the talk page for the new weapons charging
page in the wiki, I'm not sure if you'd seen them.

Here there are again:

Some questions on Ships:
* My understanding of the article is this - if neither of the new
power boost options is enabled, then the power bank stat is
effectively useless - is this correct?
* Does the Ill Wind retain it's early weapons charge (same time as
* At what point does 'normal firing' commence (i.e. no power
* Can boosted firing happen more than once for a single ship in a
single combat?

General Khael
2008-05-01 20:32:27 UTC
From the battle manual...
“The new power boost for non Large Weapons can greatly increase the
power of a weapon...”

Is this a typo? Just to clarify, does the power boost function affect
LW, SW and PD?

My take on the powerboost function is that it is reserved for only a
few select ships with only select weapons, even more so if small
weapons are included (which I imagine they are). The 5X multiplier
(albeit configurable by host) for most weapons means that this will
simply drain the powerbank pronto and in most cases will give the ship
only an extra salvo or two (hardly a 'machine gun')... especially if
small weapons are firing. For example a Peeps Cleansing (powerbank
1850) loaded with disruptors and disruptor cannons will get a little
over 1 extra salvo... (1850 minus 1120 for charging LW and SW and
then decay = 647 power left... enough for the SW to shoot again as
well as charge 1 and a half disruptors cannons (Thought... does the
energy in the last disruptor cannon stick around after power boost
mode or is any left over lost?) Hardly enough to risk instant Kaboom-
O. An Autonomy (5000 PB) with Photon Torps and Pulsed lasers will get
a total of 6 shots (not bad...). Change the pulsed lasers to
disruptors and you only get 4 shots.

The only L. weapons that would appear to be worthwhile in power boost
mode are Merc Rockets, 500MM, Sand casters, mass drivers, anti matter
guns and Good ol photon torps...
So unless you want to outfit a behemoth of a ship with only a few of
mostly crappy weapons (although the torps actually look quite
enticing, ord permitting...) and hope it survives long enough to make
it to power boost mode, while praying it doesn't backfire the
powerboost seems to be quite the gamble with the odds not in your

Small weapon powerboost heavily favors the laser and pulsed laser and
might put them back into the game once exotics techs are up and
running. Perhaps their greatest benefit is that these S. weapons
won't siphon all the power from the L weapons. The small weapons that
might likely accompany the Photon Torps (Streak missiles and Tachyons
due to their range) are horrible choices due to sucking 150/200 energy
per tic per weapon.

Also would it be too much to ask for the formula for the chance of the
big kaboom happening. If anyone is going to risk an everyday ship
doing this it would be nice to know how likely it will blow up weighed
against an extra salvo every once in a while.

So my thoughts are that the default setting of draining 5x the full
charge to fire every tic seems to very quickly remove the powerboost
as a practical option from most ships. Just an observation. Perhaps
scaling this multiplier to hull size or power bank size (smaller ships
are more efficient) would be of some benefit as well as decreasing the
energy drained to charge small weapons. Or perhaps everything is
beautiful just the way it is.

I'm assuming a lot with all my assumptions I assume. So here are a
few questions to hopefully clarify which of my assumptions are based
on poor assuming on my part...

Will SW and PD suck the 5X like the LW?
If small weapons and PD are not included how will they behave during
Will power boost engage if there are no valid targets in range?
Also Will a superweapon continue to charge during power boost?

Of course I very well may be wrong here and am missing something and
cringe in anticipation of the the virtual flogging to come. :)
Either way I have to admit I love these wonderful, awesome changes.
Everyone involved rocks! Keep em coming.
2008-05-01 22:20:07 UTC
My assumption was the 5x was just during the charging time (only 1/5
of the excess energy is being stored).

Once the boost goes off, the weapons fire, drawing their full charge
from the bank every tick.
Post by General Khael
Will SW and PD suck the 5X like the LW?
If small weapons and PD are not included how will they behave during
Will power boost engage if there are no valid targets in range?
Also Will a superweapon continue to charge during power boost?
Gabor Törö
2008-05-01 23:33:50 UTC

The intention for the new power boost is not to be able a standard tactic.
It should be more a "joker".


"General Khael" <***@gmail.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:47aaba16-65e3-466b-ac6d-***@n1g2000prb.googlegroups.com...
From the battle manual...
“The new power boost for non Large Weapons can greatly increase the
power of a weapon...”

Is this a typo? Just to clarify, does the power boost function affect
LW, SW and PD?

My take on the powerboost function is that it is reserved for only a
few select ships with only select weapons, even more so if small
weapons are included (which I imagine they are). The 5X multiplier
(albeit configurable by host) for most weapons means that this will
simply drain the powerbank pronto and in most cases will give the ship
only an extra salvo or two (hardly a 'machine gun')... especially if
small weapons are firing. For example a Peeps Cleansing (powerbank
1850) loaded with disruptors and disruptor cannons will get a little
over 1 extra salvo... (1850 minus 1120 for charging LW and SW and
then decay = 647 power left... enough for the SW to shoot again as
well as charge 1 and a half disruptors cannons (Thought... does the
energy in the last disruptor cannon stick around after power boost
mode or is any left over lost?) Hardly enough to risk instant Kaboom-
O. An Autonomy (5000 PB) with Photon Torps and Pulsed lasers will get
a total of 6 shots (not bad...). Change the pulsed lasers to
disruptors and you only get 4 shots.

The only L. weapons that would appear to be worthwhile in power boost
mode are Merc Rockets, 500MM, Sand casters, mass drivers, anti matter
guns and Good ol photon torps...
So unless you want to outfit a behemoth of a ship with only a few of
mostly crappy weapons (although the torps actually look quite
enticing, ord permitting...) and hope it survives long enough to make
it to power boost mode, while praying it doesn't backfire the
powerboost seems to be quite the gamble with the odds not in your

Small weapon powerboost heavily favors the laser and pulsed laser and
might put them back into the game once exotics techs are up and
running. Perhaps their greatest benefit is that these S. weapons
won't siphon all the power from the L weapons. The small weapons that
might likely accompany the Photon Torps (Streak missiles and Tachyons
due to their range) are horrible choices due to sucking 150/200 energy
per tic per weapon.

Also would it be too much to ask for the formula for the chance of the
big kaboom happening. If anyone is going to risk an everyday ship
doing this it would be nice to know how likely it will blow up weighed
against an extra salvo every once in a while.

So my thoughts are that the default setting of draining 5x the full
charge to fire every tic seems to very quickly remove the powerboost
as a practical option from most ships. Just an observation. Perhaps
scaling this multiplier to hull size or power bank size (smaller ships
are more efficient) would be of some benefit as well as decreasing the
energy drained to charge small weapons. Or perhaps everything is
beautiful just the way it is.

I'm assuming a lot with all my assumptions I assume. So here are a
few questions to hopefully clarify which of my assumptions are based
on poor assuming on my part...

Will SW and PD suck the 5X like the LW?
If small weapons and PD are not included how will they behave during
Will power boost engage if there are no valid targets in range?
Also Will a superweapon continue to charge during power boost?

Of course I very well may be wrong here and am missing something and
cringe in anticipation of the the virtual flogging to come. :)
Either way I have to admit I love these wonderful, awesome changes.
Everyone involved rocks! Keep em coming.

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