Host 213L
(too old to reply)
General Khael
2008-07-18 16:32:56 UTC
Just caught sight of the new host on Drewheads. Nice work...

What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.213l
Jul 16, 2008


Fixed: Bases purchasing parts would sometimes allow excess parts
to be purchased and send the base's resources to a negative number.
Fixed: PAT command code had issues for wings.
Fixed: Poor interaction with Gravity Rift and Spindizzy would
cause a possible endless loop.
Fixed: Ground combat player message for Cyborg won't display a
fraction of a colonist.
Fixed: Long Range Mine Detector minefield data would not appear in
the scanning player's RST file unless they also had some contact scan
of it as well.
Fixed: Robots built-in mine detection would cause minefield data
to not appear in the scanning player's RST file unless they also had
some contact scan of it as well.
Fixed: When a player has missed over 10 turns of submitting TRN
files the minefield energy would reduce by 2 per turn, but would not
be destroyed once they fell below 1 energy.
Fixed: Refund for unused power on Ore, Assault, Life, Native pods
is now in place for landing on planets and bases.
Fixed: When a life pod would create a new base on a planet, it
would gather food from the surface but wouldn't deduct from what the
planet had.
Fixed: Ships are required to have 2 or more fuel on board to be
able to block enemy boarding/transfer attempts.

New Features

New: Wing logs will display the planet name that they reached
along with the waypoint like ships already do.
New: Wings allowed to use the SHU command code.
New: Colonies of Man and IMT ship logs for growth/training on


Changed: OLF (object log file) Univ file allowed to exceed its 2
GB limit.
Changed: Cyborg assimilation of prisoners and natives in the base
are limited by the colonists and assimilator mechs in the base.
Changed: Cyborg get a diminishing return the megacredits gained by
assimilating natives if it exceeds 50,000 per turn. When it is over
50k natives then the megacredits gained is 2500 + (SQRT(Natives -
50000) / 20).
Changed: Native Dust Off will only dust off 50k natives per pod.


Removed: Data Sharing player message that shows who you are
sharing data with and who is sharing data with you.
Removed: New Wreckage from combat that you own will attempt to
dock to your ships in the area automatically.
Removed: Ships built at bases using Quick Build or Base Build will
use the metals and megacredits that any ships at or within 5 ly of the
base if they are set to transfer to that base. Allied ships must have
a matching friendly code.
Removed: Ships built at dry docks using Quick Build will use the
metals and megacredits that any bases at or within 5 ly of the dry
dock have to build their ships. Allied bases must have a matching
friendly code. Ship parts will not be used.
General Khael
2008-07-18 16:48:06 UTC
Native Dust Off will only dust off 50k natives per pod.

Ouch! And the Privateers will never win again... and just when I
finally get around to playing them. :) First turn this weekend.
Poop. The pod cost recovery is just in the nick of time though.

Actually I agree for game balance that it should to be reduced... but
instead of reducing it to 12.5% of its original power maybe a little
higher, 75k-100k? That way large stashes of natives still will take a
while but is a little less limiting. Just a thought. There goes my
happy little trick of dropping any small pods of natives onto the
planet surface the same turn I dust off some more (thus conserving pod

General Khael
2008-07-19 14:07:37 UTC
I havn't been able to test the other types of pods yet but any life
pods forming a base still do not show any recovered costs in the base
or on the planetary surface.
General Khael
2008-07-19 18:43:10 UTC
just tested and it looks like just the life pods are the culprits.
Other pods seem to work just fine. Life pods only do not recoup their
costs when they form a new base... they work fine landing on existing
2008-07-20 06:58:53 UTC
Post by General Khael
just tested and it looks like just the life pods are the culprits.
Other pods seem to work just fine.  Life pods only do not recoup their
costs when they form a new base... they work fine landing on existing
It looks like I only put it in for prison bases (landing life pods
with another race's people in it). I'll add it for the other

2008-07-21 15:51:52 UTC
Just caught sight of the new host on Drewheads.  Nice work...
What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.213l
 Jul 16, 2008
I dont suppose that the ability to kill enemy pods has been looked at?
2008-07-22 16:15:04 UTC
Post by Tempest
I dont suppose that the ability to kill enemy pods has been looked at?
Yes, it was. Try it again.

2008-07-27 11:45:52 UTC
Post by Tempest
I dont suppose that the ability to kill enemy pods has been looked at?
Yes, it was.  Try it again.
Hiya Magik.. I have updated to 213l and tried to kill those dratted
pods again but still cant. . I have since also updated to 213m but it
doesnt allow me to attack them. The same situation as last time with
fighter that are sent to intercept the pods just end up escorting them
around. Ships will not attack them. Assault Pods are the only
exception (they draw an attack immediately..)..
General Khael
2008-07-27 16:45:25 UTC
Post by Tempest
Post by Tempest
I dont suppose that the ability to kill enemy pods has been looked at?
Yes, it was.  Try it again.
Hiya Magik.. I have updated to 213l and tried to kill those dratted
pods again but still cant. .  I have since also updated to 213m but it
doesnt allow me to attack them.  The same situation as last time with
fighter that are sent to intercept the pods just end up escorting them
around.  Ships will not attack them.  Assault Pods are the only
exception (they draw an attack immediately..
Nor can a ship be captured midcombat by loss of crew yet. I know
there is no mention of this being addressed yet but IMHO this is a
major combat bug.

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