Bug or ment to be?
(too old to reply)
Doc Who
2008-07-08 22:56:08 UTC
Would like to know where I need to post a but report. I have been playing for some time with v4. But freighter have a bug.

Small deep space freighter

Max fuel: 200
Max Cargo: 1000
Max Ord 300
Max Repair 300
Crew 42
Passengers 1000

Medium deep space freighter

Max fuel: 250
Max Cargo: 2000
Max Ord 300
Max Repair 300
Crew 60
Passengers 3000

Large deep space freighter

Max fuel: 600
Max Cargo: 4000
Max Ord 8000
Max Repair 1000
Crew 102
Passengers 2000 (WTH less than the Med?)

Super large deep space freighter (Named Super Transport ship)

Max fuel: 1200
Max Cargo: 6000
Max Ord 3500
Max Repair 4000
Crew 202
Passengers 400000


All said and done. I wanted a Freighter to move stuff around with some speed better then the pods. Looking at it Freighter are not made to do this.

Large are for use on the front line suppleing ord and repair.

Using beta23. Host 213. Planet 65.
2008-07-10 07:42:43 UTC
Post by Doc Who
Would like to know where I need to post a but report. I have been playing for some time with v4. But freighter have a bug.
Large are for use on the front line suppleing ord and repair.
Using beta23. Host 213. Planet 65.
I'm not sure what the bug is supposed to be. The key statistic for
freighters is how many pod bays they have. The LDSF has 2, the MDSF
has 1, the SDSF 0. A life pod can carry 400'000 colonists, the
'passenger' (or 'guest') statistic therefore becomes almost completely
irrelevant on these three freighter types. The SDSF is practically
useless (unless it's the only freighter on your ship list...).
Post by Doc Who
All said and done. I wanted a Freighter to move stuff around with some speed better then the pods. Looking at it Freighter are not made to do this.
Unless you are playing the Privateers (or have bought lots of exotic
tech) freighters will move pods a lot faster than the pods will go by
themselves. This is also where the MDSF has an advantage, since it
can go 120ly per turn compared to the LDSF's max speed of 90. As an
MDSF only has one engine to the LDSF's two, a lot of people find it
more useful to build two MDSF's instead of a single LDSF.

Most races have warships that can go as fast if not faster than this,
and that can also carry pods.
