extremely high vcr firing rate
(too old to reply)
2008-08-14 14:12:58 UTC
Has anybody observed anything like that:
It's a tiny Draconian Cerberus Class Frigate with 8 small weapons
slots shredding a Reptile Class Destroyer (damaged by minehits) to
pieces. The vcr lasted 1567 ticks.

Hull Class: Reptile Class Destroyer
--Weapons Fired From: [ Ship: ab2 ]--
Small Weapon: 516 << HIT >> Laser
Point Defense: 3 << HIT >> Flake Cannon
Small Weapon: 415 << HIT >> Pulsed Laser
Point Defense: 4 << HIT >> 35mm Vulcan
---Missed Shots---
Small Weapon: 1390 (( Miss ))
Small Weapon: 1326 (( Miss )) Pulsed Laser

2008-08-14 16:03:07 UTC
More data is required.

How was the Reptile outfitted (weapons/armor) and how "damaged by
minehits" was it?

What was the report data for the Cerberus?
2008-08-15 18:47:34 UTC
Post by Amaranthine
More data is required.
How was the Reptile outfitted (weapons/armor) and how "damaged by
minehits" was it?
What was the report data for the Cerberus?
I never thought that the Cerberus would survive the fight and even
less that it would lead the fight.

The Reptile destroyer had 20% hull damage and 70% system damage from
an exploding minefield. Thus his large weapons didn't work anymore. It
was equipped with 2 Heavy Lasers as large weapons (now out of
function), 20(!) pulsed lasers and 8 flake cannons. The Cerberus
Frigate had 4 pulsed lasers, 4 lasers, 1 flake cannon, 1 35mm Vulcan.
In addition I had a Balka in the fight with 4 Heavy Lasers, 8
disruptors and 3 Flake cannons. However, the Balka didn't do a lot of
firing. It added just some large weapon fire, while the Frigate was
constantly pounding away with its small weapons at the destroyers'
1400 units armor plates.

Looking at the low firing rate of the Reptile destroyers' pulsed
lasers (2 shots per weapon in the whole vcr), my Frigate's 4 lasers
must have been extremely good at disabling his 20 small weapons. His
engines provided 34 units of energy. thus it was not an issue of
insufficient energy.

IMO it is another hint to return to the original slow weapon charging
during combat as the fast weapon charging has introduced new

Report data for Reptile firing:
--Weapons Fired From Reptile Class Destroyer
Small Weapon: 40 << HIT >> Pulsed Laser
Point Defense: 404 << HIT >> Flake Cannon
---Missed Shots---
Small Weapon: 114 (( Miss )) Pulsed Laser

--Return Fire From Cerberus Frigate--
Small Weapon: 516 << HIT >> Laser
Point Defense: 3 << HIT >> Flake Cannon
Small Weapon: 415 << HIT >> Pulsed Laser
Point Defense: 4 << HIT >> 35mm Vulcan
---Missed Shots---
Small Weapon: 1390 (( Miss ))
Small Weapon: 1326 (( Miss )) Pulsed

Support fire from my second ship:
--Weapons Fired From Balka:
Ship Main Weapon: 93 << HIT >> Heavy
---Missed Shots---
Ship Main Weapon: 49 (( Miss )) Heavy

--Return Fire From: [ Ship: Reptile Class Destroyer 5 ]--
---Missed Shots---
2008-08-15 19:21:25 UTC
If the ships were constantly within range of each other, every 4 ticks
the Cerebus fired 4 Lasers at the Reptile (every 12 ticks the 4 Pulsed
Lasers fired simultaneously with the Lasers).

The Reptile has enough PD to always have one availble to fire (flakes
can shoot at small weapons, right?), regardless of whether the Pulse
Lasers also fired.

About 63% of the Laser shots will hit (90% laser accuracy vs 30% flake

So every 4 ticks the Reptile was hit by 2 or 3 Lasers, which dropped
the energy of its Pulsed Lasers by -20 per hit. This does not just
drop the energy to zero, but drops it quickly and very deeply into the
negatives. After only a few barrages the Reptile was so far in the
red that it would need several hundred ticks of being unmolested
before it would be able to fire.

A single laser on the Reptile would likely have changed the outcome.

Note to self: Include at least 1 laser on any ship primarily using
pulsed laser small weapons. I generally already do that, but this
example just reinforces the idea.
General Khael
2008-08-17 04:26:15 UTC
Post by Amaranthine
Note to self: Include at least 1 laser on any ship primarily using
pulsed laser small weapons.  I generally already do that, but this
example just reinforces the idea.
Actually back in the day when lasers and pulsed lasers were hand down
the best SWs around I could see a point to this. Since exotic techs
no longer work with these two the complete ruination of the pulsed
laser seems kind of silly. I've also been routinely including one
laser because for those silly enough to use PLs they might just never
get to fire them off. -20 power loss is excessive. Unless of course
exo techs counted for PLs again. Even still with exo techs they'd
still be pretty useless.

I vote to give PLs a a chance at life again. Take away the power loss
of the Lasers vs PLs or drastically reduce it. It's just silly right
now... silly.

GFM GToeroe
2008-08-15 20:49:00 UTC
Post by Phaidros
IMO it is another hint to return to the original slow weapon charging
during combat as the fast weapon charging has introduced new
It could maybe also a hint not to judge too fast and more carefully analyze
a situation. :)


BTW: You aren't conspirative, aren't you?
2008-08-14 23:54:23 UTC
Seen something like it from time to time when the enemy weapons have
been disabled by damage or in this case the lasers disabling ur pulse
lasers I guess.

But anyway, u gotta laugh, the poor Dracs generally lose every fight.
So is good to see they actually won.

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