GFM GToeroe
2008-04-21 08:20:55 UTC
I have updated the battle manual:
The most important here is that missile fighter types do not carry
OrdCapacity (from fighter stats) into vcr but SQR(OrdCapacity). This
is called vcr-ord. Currently they also use 10 vcr-ord per shot by
Keep in mind that a fighter currrently uses 100 energy by default and
charges with generator/50. So the time to charge one missile is 5000/
generator. So one fighter with a generator of 10 needs at least 500
ticks to fire its missile. 100 fighters need 5 tick to charge one
missile. Keep also in mind that wing can return to the carrier to load
new ord.
There is the F := FiringFighterDivisor hconfig parameter. This means
if N is the fighter count of a type in a wing then only Round(N/F)
fighters are allowed to fire per tick. At N=10000 the maximum is
reached. If N<F then with a chance of F/N the type can fire one shot.
Types with a generator > 10 get additional allowed shots. The bonus
increaes with generator value and reaches at the IMT T3 a maximum of
1.9 addittional allowed shots in the mean. Of course these bonus for
the allowed shots does not mean that the wing uses it. The battery has
to be charged enough.
The ord thing is finally not decided. If you think your wings are
firing not enough missiles then adjust the hconfig parameter "Fighter
missile vcr ord usage". It could turn out that 1 is the better default
GFM GToeroe
I have updated the battle manual:
The most important here is that missile fighter types do not carry
OrdCapacity (from fighter stats) into vcr but SQR(OrdCapacity). This
is called vcr-ord. Currently they also use 10 vcr-ord per shot by
Keep in mind that a fighter currrently uses 100 energy by default and
charges with generator/50. So the time to charge one missile is 5000/
generator. So one fighter with a generator of 10 needs at least 500
ticks to fire its missile. 100 fighters need 5 tick to charge one
missile. Keep also in mind that wing can return to the carrier to load
new ord.
There is the F := FiringFighterDivisor hconfig parameter. This means
if N is the fighter count of a type in a wing then only Round(N/F)
fighters are allowed to fire per tick. At N=10000 the maximum is
reached. If N<F then with a chance of F/N the type can fire one shot.
Types with a generator > 10 get additional allowed shots. The bonus
increaes with generator value and reaches at the IMT T3 a maximum of
1.9 addittional allowed shots in the mean. Of course these bonus for
the allowed shots does not mean that the wing uses it. The battery has
to be charged enough.
The ord thing is finally not decided. If you think your wings are
firing not enough missiles then adjust the hconfig parameter "Fighter
missile vcr ord usage". It could turn out that 1 is the better default
GFM GToeroe