Post by Black No1Movement & Firing
You said "the top movement target is always the top firing target even
if it is far away".
I'm still a bit confused. So the movement options have a *direct*
effect on chosing the firing target?
So I think I have to go a little further. There lists two lists one with
targets to fire (from now TTTL) at and one with targets to move at
(from, now TMTL) (sometimes both lists are used to move away, for e.g.
in flee more, but that was not the question here). Both lists use
similar algorithms to fill the lists. For filling the list each object
gets a weight that depends on a handful things and takes into account
the combat setting you gave to the ship. Also the TTTL does take into
account additional range modifiers e.g. objects within weapon range
get's their weight increased. The TMTL has no such range modifiers so
that it gives back an range independent list and a top movement target
to move at. As those two lists are occupied almost the same way both
lists are influenced by the target switches.
The rule that the top movement target is also th top target roots in the
The top movement target is also the top fire target because the top
movement target is the object that is the most juicy one from the
captains view. The fire target lists is influenced by range modifiers so
an unjuicy target can be at rather high position there just because it
is near. The sync makes sure that the ship fires at the most juicy
target in combat at soon as it is in range.
Post by Black No1- wings can be set to stay close to the escort target
- wings can be set to fly to the escort target's movement target
- wings can be set to fly to the escort target's firing target
How do these options relate? What if I tell a wing to use say the
escort target's firing target *and* tell the wing to stay close to the
ship at the same time?
Which one takes precendence? Should all three options be mutually
Both orders will be full filled. As I explained above movement and
firing depends on two different lists. If you tell the wing to stay at a
specific object it will try to do that. The TMTL will not be used in
this case. Firing depends on the TTTL and can be independently filled
(by the wings pilot) or overwritten by the escorts fire target.
Post by Black No1-- if there is ship set as "fleet leader",
--- which does not escorting another object and
--- which is set to be "fleet member" and
-- if the the ship is set to be a "fleet member" and
-- if the ship is escorting the "fleet leader" and
-- if the ship is not set to "Retreat".
- ships can be set to fly to the escort target's movement target or
firing target
- ships can be set to fire at the escort target's firing target
The latter options are the same as with wings, but the first one is
including *many* ifs (-> much micromanagement).
If the whole "fleet" concept only has this single effect in combat
(staying close to the escort target), wouldn't it be better to remove
it, and rather include a "Group together with Escort Target" switch
like the one wings have.
I'm not sure weather the leader cannot set to escort or weather the
escort target will be ignored in this case. A fleet has to be clearly
designed. Also you can have a fleet in the fleet interface and the
groups and they should to well. Also with the new multiple select hammer
and anvil it should not be a problem to add many ships to a fleet
(although I did not test that). By oder them to be in a fleet the escort
target and also the fleet member button is automatically enabled. If
not I think Rick could do that easily. So I'm rather happy with the
current things because it is sometimes not possible to simplify it. If
you come along with a simple bulletproof solution to do that, please
tell. But keep in mid fleet are designed to be commanded by the fleets
screen, primary.
You will notice that the new combat is somehow a little more complicated
but that is needed because of more possibilities. For e.g. one
important change is that ship now can only fire at ground bases if they
are within IC range. But now if you don't enable avoid ground base
(otherwise bases are attacked) and set a standoff range equal or greater
than the IC range you will notice the ship will stop firing at the base.
This is because it obeys the standoff order and so stays outside IC
range. and is in result not allowed to fire. Please notice that is not a
bug but wrong orders given by the payer :)