2008-07-26 21:43:24 UTC
tech levels and refits.
the ability to refit above and beyond your tech level is what is
causeing the starting ships ideas to not be implemented due to the
ability to take from one ship and the base stockpile to create an
awesome ship in the first couple of turns of gameplay, this causes
unbalancing in some cases. the ability to refit above and beyond your
tech level should be banned and stopped. so that balancing of the
races starting ships could be met more thoroughly.
at one time there was worrys about the ghips producing engines that
were above and beyond the races tech levels.... so the game limited
the engine production to that of your max engine tech level... i see
theres arequest to do the same thing from amphibs with weapons. if
this were to pass i would reccomend an alternative that you wouldnt be
able to refit outside your tech levels regardless if you have the
parts or not.. i mean isnt this the point of tech level research, how
are we able to utilize weapons and engines that we know nothing about.
i realize the starting ships are usually above and beyond our skills
but allow only those exceptions and dont allow the refit from them
without the technology to back them up.
counter proposal.
rather than limit native production of engines and weapons lets
restore that to the norm and allow them to produce those weapons and
engines above the races tech levels.... as an alternative we could
simply restrict the refit pods from placeing above and beyond tech
parts on ships when the tech level requirements have not yet been
met. in addition i dont see why the knowledge gained from the
research doesnt provide a free part of that which was researched.
example: if i just researched disruptors i should have the prototype
in my inventory. its not like i didnt have the money for it as i
invested a large sum into the development of that weapon system.
Potential workarounds.
one work around would be to have allys invest in tech levels to place
the Parts on the ships for you and simply surrender them back to the
race that provided the ok with this as it would basically
take alot of time and not al games allow allies. but refits should
only be allowed on hulls in your possesion you should not be allowed
to refit hulls that belong to someone else ally or not.
2 problems with that idea.
1) scavengers rely on native Production and wreckage pod parts to
refit thier ships above thier tech levels.
2) if tech levels were required to place parts on ships the scavs
would never be able to place superweapons on thier ships due thier
inability to invest in superweapon research.
allow the scavs to be the only race to refit ships above and beyond
thier tech levels. this would give them a new reason for alliances as
they could refit thier allys ships ( after surrendered of course to
make the hull thier property for refit) for them thus increaseing
thier ability to conduct trade and relations with other races.
anyhow these are my thoughts on the issue do we have any support or
arguments against this?
do you feel it would be unbalancing? and why?
the ability to refit above and beyond your tech level is what is
causeing the starting ships ideas to not be implemented due to the
ability to take from one ship and the base stockpile to create an
awesome ship in the first couple of turns of gameplay, this causes
unbalancing in some cases. the ability to refit above and beyond your
tech level should be banned and stopped. so that balancing of the
races starting ships could be met more thoroughly.
at one time there was worrys about the ghips producing engines that
were above and beyond the races tech levels.... so the game limited
the engine production to that of your max engine tech level... i see
theres arequest to do the same thing from amphibs with weapons. if
this were to pass i would reccomend an alternative that you wouldnt be
able to refit outside your tech levels regardless if you have the
parts or not.. i mean isnt this the point of tech level research, how
are we able to utilize weapons and engines that we know nothing about.
i realize the starting ships are usually above and beyond our skills
but allow only those exceptions and dont allow the refit from them
without the technology to back them up.
counter proposal.
rather than limit native production of engines and weapons lets
restore that to the norm and allow them to produce those weapons and
engines above the races tech levels.... as an alternative we could
simply restrict the refit pods from placeing above and beyond tech
parts on ships when the tech level requirements have not yet been
met. in addition i dont see why the knowledge gained from the
research doesnt provide a free part of that which was researched.
example: if i just researched disruptors i should have the prototype
in my inventory. its not like i didnt have the money for it as i
invested a large sum into the development of that weapon system.
Potential workarounds.
one work around would be to have allys invest in tech levels to place
the Parts on the ships for you and simply surrender them back to the
race that provided the ok with this as it would basically
take alot of time and not al games allow allies. but refits should
only be allowed on hulls in your possesion you should not be allowed
to refit hulls that belong to someone else ally or not.
2 problems with that idea.
1) scavengers rely on native Production and wreckage pod parts to
refit thier ships above thier tech levels.
2) if tech levels were required to place parts on ships the scavs
would never be able to place superweapons on thier ships due thier
inability to invest in superweapon research.
allow the scavs to be the only race to refit ships above and beyond
thier tech levels. this would give them a new reason for alliances as
they could refit thier allys ships ( after surrendered of course to
make the hull thier property for refit) for them thus increaseing
thier ability to conduct trade and relations with other races.
anyhow these are my thoughts on the issue do we have any support or
arguments against this?
do you feel it would be unbalancing? and why?