New Host 213g
(too old to reply)
Lord Lancelot
2008-05-01 18:45:14 UTC

213f and 213g is one release in 213g.

What is new in Host.exe Version 4.000.213g
[edit] May 01, 2008

Note: This is a bugfix release that is (probably) not available as
download from the official VGA Planets homepage.
(Host 213f and Host 213g have been one release in Host 213g)
[edit] Fixes
[edit] Host 213f

Fixed: Host crash in VCR combat.
Fixed: An undocked wing with Do Not Launch enabled will be able to
be a combat initiator again.
Fixed: When a wing docks mid-turn to a carrier and has Do Not
Launch enabled then it will no longer be a valid combat initiator.
Fixed: Wings docked to a carrier were allowing combat to be
initiated with them, always. Now it is only when they are visible to
the initiator or set to aggressive mode with Do Not Launch disabled.
Fixed: When a wing uses auto-intercept to undock from a carrier
and attack a target, it will become a valid combat initiator.
Fixed: When a wing uses intercept, escort, or a waypoint to undock
from a carrier, it will become a valid combat initiator if is in
aggressive mode.
Fixed: Privateers were able to be blocked by Transport Inhibitor,
Federation forcefields, and system damage from their ship for boarding
an enemy, but not for transporting their target's resources off. Now
the same limitation is imposed for that.
Fixed: Filtered out "Last Transmission" messages that didn't have
any useful content that were products of base merges, which you have
the log in the merged base anyways.
Fixed: Filtered out the ship log spam that you get when you are
transporting personnel to a friendly ship when they still have
personnel on board. "Our crew visited with the crew of..."
Fixed: Various space combat changes/fixes.

[edit] Host 213G

Fixed: If you set a tow target for your ship and the ship's hull
has no tractor beam rating on the hull, the tow target will not be
Fixed: Stand off fix.

[edit] New Features

New: None

[edit] Changes
[edit] Host 213f

Changed When a ship is fully cloaked with defensive mode enabled
and is unseen by the initiator then the Guard Base setting is ignored
and will not pull the ship or base into combat.
Changed Growth rate penalty due to population has been reduced.
Penalty factor = (100 mil - colonists) / 100 mil. Shareware players
factor is 60 mil instead of 100 mil in this equation.
Changed Global Warmer, Global Icer, and Cystral Inferno Device
require less than 60% control system, less than 80% hull damage and
crew on board to operate.
Changed At the start of the game (turns 1 to 4) Solorian bases
with 10k colonists will change the star (instead of 10,001
Changed Various space combat changes/fixes.

[edit] Host 213G

Changed When calculating a ship's tow score, the following will
cause the score to be -1 (was previously zero): control system damage
50%, no crew, no fuel. This allows hulls with 300+ hull speed and a
valid tractor beam rating to tow ships under these conditions.

Lord Lancelot
Lord Lancelot
2008-05-01 20:10:29 UTC
Changed/Fixed: Various space combat changes/fixes

Changed: Now the true allies set a player as hostile for their objects
only if they have set this player as enemy.

Tweaked: Charging within a carrier. HGs decrease the time inside a
carrier. Their influence was decreased. The the Borg Queen's influence
in a Borg base was increased

Modified: Small wings can better decide when their weapons can be
considered as charged.

Fixed: Weapons only fired on bases if "ground attack" was enabled. But
as now "ground attack" only let bases be preferred targets weapons now
refuse to fire at bases if "Avoid base" is enabled.


Target verifying, learning and allied informing process:

If an objects enters "agressive" then a the start it immediately
regards the players which are set to be attacked in the client's ally
menu as hostile and starts to fire on them immediately.

If an objects enters "defensive" then at the start then all players
are regarded as non hostile. This means such object won't start fire
at other objects and it does not move relative to other objects (but
it follows its leader if it is a part of a fleet).

A retreating object won't start fire at other players but it tries to
escape from players which are set to be attacked in client's ally

If an object is coming under fire by angressor then it marks this
player as hostile and immediately fires back. It also informs the
fleet so that other own object will also fire back.It also informs the
true allies which are set to attack the agressor.

One can combine agressive|defensive x retreat to mix the two
corresponding behaviors.

Fixed: In default flight mode (player does neither set stand off nor
strike thru nor ram nor retreat) ships were set to stand off. The
stand off range is set to 90% of the smallest LW & SmW range. Right
now this could do only agressive ships. But a defensive ship should be
able to do it, too. This is now the case. But if the stand off range
is out of base IC range such ship wouldn't come into fire range for a
base (because there is the rule that ships have to come that close to
be allowed to fire their non super weapons at a base). So the stand
off range is set to 90% of the base IC range but only if the ship is
not ordered to avoid bases.

Changed: The differences between the mode depending used parts of
maximum speed and acceleration are decreased. "Close to point blank"
for fighters has now its own speed/acceleration profile.

New table:

Mode Speed Acceleration

base: 100%/60% 100% 1)

Flee: 100% 60%

Idle: 40% 40%

RAM: 100% 100%

off: 60% 100%

CTPP: 80% 60% 2)

thru: 100% 80%

1) 100% if outside base IC range if guard base mode is interrupted
because nobody is shooting neither at the base
nor at the base guards.

2) CTPP = close to point blank

Changed: Increased fighter maximum speed by 20%

Changed: If an object orbits arround the center due to lack of flight
target or because stand off is interrupted for a while then if a
hostile base is present it orbits now out of range of possible base
defense weapons.

Fixed: Wings have chosen a bit too big stand off ranges. They now stay
10% below their ranges to be able to fire whenever their weapons are

Fixed: Before a redocking is possible a certain time has now to go by.

Changed: A wing which is is undocking from a carrier during combat due
to its "return home" needs some time to find new targets.

Fixed: Although a missile shot was caculated the shot was written into
vcr file as beam shot. This causes the display only bug that missiles
do not fire at wings.

Fixed: A variable confusion sometimes caused stand off to use a too
low stand off range

Change: Damage profile due to power boost BOOM! event:
Weapon damage: Randomly 0 - 100%
System damage: Randomly 0 - 100%
Hull damage: Randomly 0 - 25%
Shield damage: Randomly 0 - 50%
If the soft spot is hit:
Additional random hull damage 0 - 25%
